About Me
Debbie Hummel-Marconi’s artistic career began accidentally when scotch distiller Dewar’s discovered some sketches she had completed for an advertising client. They hired her on the spot for a three-month promotional tour as a caricature artist, which turned into 2 years of invaluable work experience.
She is self-taught and has developed a style that is exclusively her own without any outside artistic influences. She creates from her heart, choosing subject matter guaranteed to make people smile. Her narrative style has been labeled “whimsical” and “humoristic.”
Philosophically, she wants her paintings to say something, convey a message, and not be used to match sofas or fill wall space. Her work is detailed, colorful, and extremely verbal. Her titles are a bonus as they are equally entertaining.
She feels that her childhood contributed greatly to her work since her family was never at a loss for laughs. For this reason, she cites that her witty spirit has carried into her work and has given people much joy. If her art has given you cheer, her goal has been accomplished.
Her work has been licensed by various companies and has even hung in the White House. She is commissioned often, and her paintings are collected internationally.
Mario Marconi
Mario Marconi
November 12, 1949 – October 4, 2021
I prayed for a man who loved God and his parents. Wow, from my lips to God’s ears! Even my mother was taken with Mario. “Such a nice guy,” she said. “You two would be perfect together.” Mothers know best.
Mario was the kindest, most generous, caring person I have ever known. He never raised his voice, never got angry, and was so funny! What a guy!
His outlook on life and our marriage was beautiful. He would look at me with actual tears in his eyes, telling me he couldn’t live without me. He touched my heart every day. He was my right arm, the air I breathe, my every other heartbeat.
After reading all of the comments on social media, I realized I was not alone. Everyone saw his heart, his humor, and his wonderful, calm demeanor. I was so touched reading all of the beautiful posts and the outpouring of love.
Mario served in the Air Force Reserves for 4 years and loved every minute of it. He had so many funny stories to share with me and, even though I heard them over and over, they never got old. He mistakenly told me that he was in charge of the latrines. Guess who was crowned king of our toilets, which he accepted with pride?
In high school, he was a very popular guy and was class president for 2 or 3 years (I forget). How lucky am I to have married a class president? His stories entertained and amused me. I think it was the way he told them, but he had me as an audience, and I always laughed (and rolled my eyes)!
He loved to share stories about growing up on a farm. After the milking was done, he and his siblings would hide in the back of their father’s car early in the morning as his dad would leave for his second job driving a school bus. Surely, he knew they were there as their giggles had to be heard.
There is not enough room to write it all, but we were meant to be as one. God had a beautiful plan. We discovered that we went to Ohio University together and that he walked by my dorm every day, but we never met. 14-plus years later, God finally made sure that his plan would be complete when we met 1,300 miles away in Bonita Springs, FL.
This life is so temporary. I know Mario will be waiting for me in part two, the eternal life. I can hardly wait. In one sense, I am joyful that he does not have to live in this evil world any longer and is now pain-free and surrounded by love.
In closing, Mario had a quadruple bypass in 1996. The surgeon took me aside and told me that he might have 7 more years. His heart was that damaged. I kept this to myself and never told Mario. Instead, we changed our eating and lifestyle habits. This time, when I begged God to give him more years, I could hear Him saying, “I already did, 25 years to be exact. It is time now for him to come home.”
This has to be the most painful thing I have experienced in my lifetime. Look at each other, love each other, laugh, create memories. This is what will keep me going until I am again by his side – this most beautiful man, my best friend, my gift from God.